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Equipment and Installation of Underground Tanks and Systems
Back-up generator tanks Tank re-certification
Waste oil tanks Precision tank testing equipment
New oil tanks Tank anti-buoyancy anchoring
Water tanks Complete electrical and piping systems
Line and leak detector testing Stage I & II vapor recovery systems
Gasoline and diesel dispensers Card or key lock activation systems
Suction and submersible pumps Debit and credit pay systems
Consoles and cash registers Tank backfilling
Reinforced concrete tank pads Complete gasoline canopies with lighting
Tank excavations Day tanks
Complete solar powered systems Tank pads and drive pads
Automotive Service Equipment
Lubrication pumps, hoses and reels Air and water hoses and reels
Lifts and jacks Complete new oil, ATF & grease systems
Air compressors Complete air systems
Natural Gas (NGV)
Vehicle refueling appliances Operation, maintenance and safety
Design Permit and Construction Commercial and Residential Applications
Electronic Monitoring Systems
In tank leak sensors Automatic constant electronic leak detection
Automatic fuel level displays Remote leak sensors with alarms and automatic dispensing shut off
Automatic in tank water testing Electronic Testing Systems
Consoles Environmental Compliances
Registers Tank removals
Scanners Soil sampling
G-Sites Triple rinsing
Distribution boxes Aerating
Intercoms Dry Icing
Spill boxes Vehicular protection bollards
Overfill protection Fueling islands
Layout and Design Assistance Service
Assistance with layouts and drawings Assistance with plans and engineered calculations 24 hour service for repair and maintenance of all previously stated systems